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January Member Morning Walk: Walking a Car-Free Market Street

Van Ness Station Van Ness Muni Station, San Francisco, CA, United States

In October, we won the Better Market Street Project, a transformational project for the city's busiest pedestrian street. Market is home to half a million walkers every single day, but it's also one of the most dangerous streets. The first big change to make Market Street better for everyone walking will be the removal of […]

Webinar: Building Protected Bike Lanes That Work for Pedestrians

Last fall, Walk San Francisco, the pedestrian advocacy organization that leads San Francisco's Vision Zero Coalition, released a first-of-its kind report, Getting to the Curb: A Guide to Building Protected Bike Lanes That Work for Pedestrians. Cities across the United States are rolling out protected bike lanes to create safer and more enjoyable conditions for […]

Circle the City: A Six Part Walking Series

San Francisco is 7 x 7 miles. Ever thought of walking the entire perimeter? Walk San Francisco’s brand-new walk in 2020 is Circle the City: an incredible and fascinating journey that will circumnavigate the entire city over the course of six separate walks. Our WalkLab volunteers have once again put together an incomparable route with […]

How to Win Safe Streets for Seniors – Part 1

Do you ever feel like crossing the streets is a game of risk? Come learn how to advocate for safe streets for seniors like you. In the first part of a two-part online training, we'll discuss what makes streets unsafe for us currently. Then we'll focus on how streets can be changed to provide safer […]

How to Start a Walking School Bus (WEBINAR)

A ‘walking school bus’ brings together a group of kids who walk a regular route to school together with a supervising adult, and kids can join in at any point along the way. Walking school buses make it safer and easier for more students to get to school powered by their own two feet. Thinking about starting a walking school bus next year? You’re […]

How to Win Safe Streets for Seniors – Collecting Data and Making Your Voice Heard

Do you ever feel like crossing the streets is a game of risk? Come learn how to advocate for safe streets for seniors like you. In the second installment of this online training series, we'll discuss how to assess a street or intersection to determine safety issues. Note: no need to have attended the first training […]

How to Win Safe Streets for Seniors – What Makes a Safe Street?

Do you ever feel like crossing the streets is a game of risk? Come learn how to advocate for safe streets for seniors like you. In the first part of a two-part online training, we’ll discuss what makes streets unsafe for us currently. Then we’ll focus on how streets can be changed to provide safer […]

Get Out: How to Safely Enjoy the Outdoors with Kids This Summer (WEBINAR)

Outdoor activity and nature are so important for our mental and physical health during coronavirus. But how do parents and caretakers get kids outside safely in their neighborhoods and beyond?  Walk San Francisco, together with the San Francisco Safe Routes to School Partnership, is hosting a webinar to give you the inspiration and information you […]

How to Win Safe Streets for Seniors – Collecting Data and Making Your Voice Heard

Do you ever feel like crossing the streets is a game of risk? Come learn how to advocate for safe streets for seniors like you. In the second installment of this online training series, we’ll discuss how to assess a street or intersection to determine safety issues. Note: no need to have attended the first […]

What could congestion pricing mean for San Francisco?

The city must find ways to reduce traffic congestion, which creates serious health, safety, equity, and climate consequences for us all. Congestion pricing is an incredibly promising solution; London, Stockholm, Milan, and Singapore are successfully taming traffic by charging a fee to drive into or within downtown areas. What could congestion pricing look like in San Francisco and how can […]