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Speed camera bill faces its next vote on Monday at Senate Appropriations – call in your support

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California state legislators are back from recess and the clock is ticking to get bills all the way out of the legislature by September 14. That includes Assembly Bill 645, which would allow speed safety cameras to be piloted in six California cities including San Francisco.

AB 645 faces the Senate Appropriations Committee on Monday, August 28.

We are coordinating people to call in during the hearing to ask Senators to support AB 645.

It’s crucial that the Senators on the Appropriations Committee know that people are paying attention to the fate of this bill. AB 645 will be put “on Suspense” on Monday for further economic analysis and must be taken “off Suspense” by Friday or the bill won’t be voted on this legislative session.

AB 645 will not get a presentation, but there will be time on Monday (hearing starts at 10am) for you to speak out and say “I support AB 645”. Sign up and we can alert you via email and text when it is time to dial in.

Unlike giving public comment at San Francisco agency meetings, this is very quick – you only say your name, where you’re calling from, and that you support AB 645.

Thank you for keeping the pressure on to move this lifesaving legislation to a full Senate vote.