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We’re going to the State Capitol for SB 961 on July 2. Sign up to come with us!

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Yesterday, the Assembly Transportation Committee passed SB 961, the lifesaving speed warning technology bill.

SB 961’s next stop is the Assembly Privacy & Consumer Protection Committee on Tuesday, July 2 at 1:30PM.

We know that at yesterday’s hearing, there was a lot of opposition in the room. We need to far outweigh the opposition on July 2. This is a crucial vote before SB 961 can go to the full Assembly for a floor vote.

That’s why we need every possible person at the State Capitol to voice their support for this lifesaving bill in person on July 2.

Yes, the timing is terrible. It’s the 4th of July week, when many people are on vacation.

That’s why I’m asking now. Everyone who cares about safe streets is invited to join us.

Walk SF is renting a bus to get folks from San Francisco to Sacramento and back. But you can also get there on your own, too; we’re also helping connect people with carpool options in the East Bay, Marin, and South Bay.

It’s hard to overstate how groundbreaking it would be to pass SB 961. SB 961 would require all cars and trucks manufactured or sold in California starting in 2030 (except emergency vehicles) to have ‘Intelligent Speed Assistance’ technology, requiring audio and visual warnings to the driver when the vehicle is being operated in excess of 10 MPH over the speed limit.

This technology would then likely spread to our entire country, just like when seat belt laws started at the state level.

So let’s make safe streets history together. Please sign up now to come to Sacramento on Tuesday, July 2!

Note that giving public comment at hearings for state legislation is very different than here in San Francisco. You can only say your name and share your support – so it’s quick and easy.

More about Senate Bill 961 and ‘Intelligent Speed Assistance’

SB 961 was authored by State Senator Scott Wiener. It was passed by the full California Senate on May 21, 2024. It must be passed by the full California Assembly by August 31, 2024. It would then go to Governor Gavin Newsom to sign. The bill’s full text can be found here.

All new vehicles in Europe will have Intelligent Speed Assistance starting this summer. A new survey by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety shows that most Americans support anti-speeding technology. Plus, the National Transportation Safety Board recommends that vehicles are required to have Intelligent Speed Assistance technology as a standard feature.

Speeding is the #1 cause of severe and fatal traffic crashes in California. The faster a driver is going, the more likely a crash is to occur. A driver has a smaller scope of vision, less time to react, and can’t stop the vehicle as quickly. And the human body can’t withstand the additional force as speeds rise.

Questions about our trip to Sacramento? Contact Jodie at

You can boost Walk SF’s work on SB 961 with a donation today!