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Speed camera bill was passed by the California Senate today with 29-6 vote!

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I am crying tears of joy and relief that AB 645, the speed camera bill, was just decisively passed by the California Senate.

THIS IS HUGE. AB 645 was passed by the California Assembly and Senate!

The many trips to Sacramento, the phone calls and emails to lawmakers, the countless meetings, the media work… It worked.

I am so grateful to everyone who has been part of this campaign. And Walk SF member support is 100% how we were able to work on this for more than five years.

Getting this far would also have been impossible without Families for Safe Streets members, who shared their stories of loss again and again to show why we need this lifesaving technology on our streets ASAP.

Together, we can change what’s possible for our streets and our future.

AB 645 will now go back to the Assembly one more time (the Assembly already passed the bill, so this should be straightforward) and then to Governor Newsom. We’ll be doing everything needed to be sure this bill becomes law – and a new day arrives in California to slow our streets to save lives.

In the meantime, we press on: for all of the solutions needed to protect all of us when walking. We’ll be at 4th and King today from 4:30 – 6:30PM, continuing to demand that City leaders fix deadly intersections. Join us.

Banner image by Emily Huston from one of our trips to Sacramento for AB 645.