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Can you call in to make public comment in support of car-free JFK Thursday, March 10 at 11AM?

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We’ve reached a big moment in the campaign to save car-free JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park.

The San Francisco Recreation and Park Department and SFMTA released a report this morning in support of making this space car-free permanent. You can read more in the San Francisco Chronicle, a summary of the proposal from Rec and Park, or the full report.

This Thursday, March 10, the SF Rec and Park commissioners and the SFMTA Board of Directors will vote on whether to officially endorse the recommendations in the report. But before they vote, they’ll hear from people like YOU during public comment!

This is a key moment to share your love for car-free JFK Drive. Public comment will start ~11:00AM, and we can let you know when to call in and share some talking points. (If you want to come to City Hall and give your comment in person, let us know in the form.)

The new report and the outcome of the vote are an important step toward a final vote on the fate of car-free JFK Drive by the Board of Supervisors. Your voice can help build momentum toward a victory!

Mayor London Breed also shared her support for a permanent car-free JFK Drive on Twitter. This is big news – and we’re so grateful for her leadership! (Please retweet the Mayor’s tweet with a note of gratitude or send a quick email!).

These are encouraging developments, but there’s still a long way to go to get a majority of Supervisors committed to vote YES in support of a permanent car-free JFK.

Here are three more ways you can help:

  1. Email all members of the Board of Supervisors about why you love car-free JFK Drive.
  2. Donate to support the car-free JFK campaign.
  3. Sign up for a volunteer shift this coming weekend on Saturday and Sunday from 10AM – 1PM out on JFK Drive.

Anything you can do helps – and together we will make history for our city! Learn more about our campaign to save car-free JFK.

Questions? Contact Brian at 

Banner image: Sergio Ruiz