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We’re looking for new Board members

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Help win safe streets as a Walk SF Board member!

Are you ready to step up in a bigger way to win safe streets for all ages and abilities?

Are you eager to share your skills, perspective, and passion with a small nonprofit with big goals?

Maybe you’ve always thought about joining a nonprofit Board and now’s the right time to serve?

Walk SF is actively recruiting new members of our Board of Directors. Read more here.

So if you’re a positive, problem-solving, pitch-in person, please fill out the interest form.

Our ongoing committees are finance, fundraising, and governance. We also have task forces working on equity and retreats.

The Walk SF Board meets on the first Tuesday of each month (except January). Board members are asked to attend all meetings, or at least 9 per year. Walk SF has an annual Board and staff retreat usually held in the spring on a weekend day. And of course Board members are part of our fun events, like Peak2Peak.

Our wonderful Board members are essential in guiding and supporting Walk SF’s work. We hope you’ll consider service!

Graphic with two speaker icons and the text "Great News! S.B. 961 just passed the State Senate"