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SB 961, bold bill to reduce speeding, just made it out of California Senate!

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I’m ecstatic to share that a bill Walk SF is sponsoring – State Senator Scott Wiener’s SB 961 – just passed out of the Senate in a 23-13 vote and is now on its way to the Assembly!

This is huge news for this bold, lifesaving bill to help address the #1 threat we face as pedestrians: drivers going dangerous speeds.

SB 961 would require all cars and trucks manufactured or sold in California starting in 2027 (except emergency vehicles) to have ‘Intelligent Speed Assistance’ technology. All new vehicles in Europe will have this starting this summer. SB 961 would require audio and visual warnings to the driver when the vehicle is being operated in excess of 10 MPH over the speed limit.

If passed, SB 961 would bring needed safety technology into the vehicle fleet in California and likely our entire country, just like when seat belt laws started at the state level.

Given the status quo and special interests opposed to SB 961, it’s so exciting that this bill is gaining momentum. Walk SF, with your help, will keep this momentum going.

This means going to the State Capitol, bringing the stories of people who have been affected by traffic crashes to Assemblymembers, getting this issue in the media, and more. SB 961 must make it out of the Assembly by August 31.

So thank you for supporting our work to #SlowOurStreets! Learn more about SB 961.

A large group of people huddle for a photo in front of a Christmas tree.