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Speed technology bill is five votes away from passing – help pressure key legislators to support SB 961

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SB 961 would require all cars and trucks manufactured or sold in California to give an audio and visual alert to drivers when they’re going more than 10 MPH above the speed limit, starting in 2030.

This commonsense legislation would help take on the #1 cause of severe and fatal traffic crashes in California: speeding. And it would do so at a crucial time, when the automobile industry is making bigger, heavier, more powerful vehicles than ever – with many accelerating to 60 MPH in just seconds.

The speed technology bill SB 961 is five votes shy from passing and if we don’t get the confirmed votes this week, this lifesaving bill will be sunk for the year.

There are five legislators we’re targeting to get to YES votes so SB 961 can head to the Governor’s desk.

These legislators are considering hundreds of bills this week, and if they don’t hear that people care, it’s all too easy for them to vote NO.

We need to demand these legislators stand up to the automobile industry to save lives from dangerous speeding. Call and/or email these 5 Assemblymembers Monday or Tuesday this week (leaving messages is fine) – all bills must be out of the Assembly by August 30 or they are dead for this session.

NOTE: The number of Assemblymembers we are targeting is smaller thanks to the many people who have already made calls in support of SB 961.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a constituent of these legislators. This issue is much bigger than any one district. Dangerous speeding is happening everywhere and affects everyone. California has the chance to lead in harnessing advanced driver assistance technology to better protect people inside – and outside – of vehicles.

Phone Script

Hello. My name is ________ and I’m calling in support of SB 961, Senator Wiener’s Intelligent Speed Assistance bill.

(If you have a direct connection to a speed-related traffic crash, share it with your comment.)
Dangerous speeding kills more than 1,000 Californians each year, and hurts tens of thousands more people. I’m asking Assemblymember ______ to stand up to the auto industry and support this commonsense solution to save lives.

Europe is already requiring this technology in all vehicles, and the majority of Americans support Intelligent Speed Assistance. There isn’t time to wait in using technology to encourage safe speeds. Thank you.

How to Fill Out an Assemblymember’s Contact Form

After adding your contact information, add in this message:

I’m writing in support of SB 961, Senator Wiener’s Intelligent Speed Assistance bill.

Dangerous speeding kills more than 1,000 Californians each year, and hurts tens of thousands more people. I’m asking the Assemblymember to stand up to the auto industry and support this commonsense solution to save lives.

Europe is already requiring this technology in all vehicles, and the majority of Americans support Intelligent Speed Assistance. There isn’t time to wait in using technology to encourage safe speeds. Thank you.

Let’s make history for safe streets!

If passed, SB 961 would bring needed safety technology into the vehicle fleet in California and likely our entire country – just like when seat belt laws started at the state level. Learn more about SB 961.