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Join us at public meetings to urge seven City agencies to step up on Vision Zero

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Special thanks to Rahman Law for their generous support of the Vision Zero Coalition’s efforts.

Last week, we went to City Hall on behalf of the 30+ community-based organizations, nonprofits, and civic groups that are part of the Vision Zero Coalition.

We hand-delivered shared recommendations on how the City can accelerate progress on safe streets to Mayor London Breed and every District Supervisor.

We also delivered a united message: make traffic safety a true priority and make key changes to support Vision Zero’s success.

Now it’s time to take this message directly to the Commissioners of seven City agencies with crucial roles in Vision Zero.

Over the next few weeks, we’re going to public meetings of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, Fire Department, SFMTA, Public Health, Police Department, Public Utilities Commission, and Department of Public Works. And we need you to join us!

During public comment, we will ask agencies to not just recommit to Vision Zero, but make detailed annual commitments on how they will make streets safer and work more effectively with other agencies to support progress.

By joining us in giving public comment, you will help show that people across the city are paying attention and demand real action to make streets safe. We will provide talking points and reminders about the meetings as they get closer.

Here’s when and where the meetings are. If you can’t come, please write an email to the Commissioners at each agency. Share why safe streets matter to you and urge them to focus on and take meaningful actions in support of Vision Zero.

  • Tuesday, September 24 at 10:00AM: SF County Transportation Authority Board Meeting, City Hall Room 250. Public comment can be made in-person or via phone. Email
  • Wednesday, September 25 at 5:00 PM: SF Fire Department Commission Meeting, City Hall Room 400. Public comment can be made in-person or via phone. Email
  • Tuesday, October 1 at 1:00PM: SF Municipal Transportation Agency, City Hall Room 400. Public comment must be made in-person unless special request is made. Email
  • Tuesday, October 1 at 4:00 PM: SF Public Health Commission Meeting, 101 Grove Street, Room 300. Public comment must be made in-person unless special request is made. Email
  • Wednesday, October 2 at 5:30 PM: SF Police Department (SFPD) Commission Meeting, City Hall, Room 400. Public comment must be made in-person unless special request is made. Email
  • Monday, October 7 at 9:00 AM: SF Public Works Commission Meeting, City Hall, Room 408. Public comment can be made in-person or via phone. Email
  • Tuesday, October 22 at 1:30PM: SF Public Utilities Commission Meeting, City Hall, Room 400. Public comment must be made in-person unless special request is made. Email

It’s been a decade since the City of San Francisco and specific City agencies committed to Vision Zero. We need all City leaders to see that it’s time – and within their power – to end the tragedies on our streets.

Safe streets are what strong neighborhoods and a thriving city are built on.

Questions about attending any of these public meetings? Contact Malena at