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Big news: SB 961, the vehicle speed technology bill, was passed by the California legislature

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Safe streets history is in the making.

The full California Assembly passed the speed technology bill, SB 961, late last night and in the nick of time before the legislative session ended! Read our press release.

This lifesaving bill is a really big deal: it would require vehicles made and sold in California to alert drivers when they’re 10 MPH+ over the speed limit starting in 2030. People around the country who work on safe streets are watching what’s happening with SB 961. Like when states first began requiring automakers to put seatbelts in cars, California can lead the nation.

I have two things to say: PHEW – and thank you. This bill’s fate was definitely hanging in the balance this week, and many of you got on the phone to legislators. It really helped to amplify Walk SF’s and Senator Wiener’s work to influence undecided Assemblymembers.

SB 961 is now headed to Governor Newsom’s desk. Newsom must sign the bill (or at least not veto it) by September 30 for SB 961 to become law.

When Walk SF became a co-sponsor of SB 961 in January, I knew we’d face plenty of powerful opposition, especially from the auto industry. And we have. That opposition definitely wants Governor Newsom to veto SB 961.

So we have to act quickly to show Governor Newsom that he must stand up to the auto industry and protect people from dangerous speeding.

Walk SF will do everything we can to get the Governor to support SB 961. Donate today to help us be as loud as possible in as many ways as possible!