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SF Stair Challenge recap: rain, stairs, smiles (and more rain!)

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Despite (and because of) the weather, an unforgettable 2024 SF Stair Challenge

Who said rainy days are for staying in? Certainly not the nearly 300 fearless souls who took on the 2024 SF Stair Challenge on what turned out to be the wettest single May day in over two decades!

Donning slickers and ponchos and armed with umbrellas and thermoses, these stair slayers battled close to an inch of rain and strong winds to conquer the 2,000 steps in this year’s Challenge.

Even with the wind and rain, this year’s route still impressed, connecting 20 staircases in a constantly surprising course. It included the extensive Harry Street Steps with all their wonky wooden charm and secret gardens.

At registration, where staff and volunteers had lost all feeling in our feet, we couldn’t believe how many registrants just kept showing up despite the rain. Many were folks who had done last year’s Challenge in North Beach and weren’t about to miss out. Others were just those people who walk, no matter what. There were also racers with weights strapped to their chests, three-legged dogs, office teams, and preteens. Peter Hartlaub of the San Francisco Chronicle brought the #TotalSF spirit.

Special recognition goes out to Cheryl, the MacGyver of the Challenge. She ingeniously repaired her broken hiking shoe mid-route with her lanyard cord!

And a huge thanks to everyone who bought tickets, whether you showed up on Saturday or not. Your ticket purchase provides crucial funding for Walk SF’s work to make our streets safe for everyone, of every age and ability.

Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 3, 2025!

Ready for round three? Save the date for next year’s SF Stair Challenge on Saturday, May 3, 2025. It’ll be another brand new, top secret route guaranteed to test your glutes and quads. While we can’t promise a sunny day, we can promise that it will be another epic adventure!

It takes many hands to pull off big walks like this

We owe a huge and heartfelt thank you to our phenomenal squad of volunteers who braved the elements, transported supplies, checked in participants with smiles, loaded the route on their phones, cheered them on along the route, and kept everyone powered up with snacks. You all are true ‘walk stars’!

Hats off to WalkLab, the team of volunteers that mastermind all of Walk SF’s routes. Nancy Botkin and Eric Chase were the leads on the amazing route this year that once again proved that San Francisco is the best stairway city in the world.

Big thanks to our in-kind donors who fueled our event: JAMBAR for supplying the Snack Station with organic energy bars, Andronico’s Community Markets, Gus’s Community Market, Rainbow Grocery Cooperative, Safeway, Thorough Bread and Pastry, and Trader Joe’s. A big shoutout to our Board member, Rebecca Rudolph, for getting all this delicious support!

And finally, we’re deeply grateful to Kaiser Permanente for their generous support of Walk SF’s events.


Photo Credits: Fiona Yim

Photo of four individuals walking along Shelley Drive in McLaren Park.