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Experts empower parents with pro tips for how to safely get out with kids

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Outdoor activity and nature are so important for our mental and physical health during coronavirus. But how do parents and caretakers get kids outside safely in their neighborhoods, to school, and beyond? 

Walk San Francisco, together with the San Francisco Safe Routes to School Partnership, recently hosted a webinar about safely getting outside. Our two expert panelists Dr. Vincent Tamariz, Medical Director of the Pediatric Emergency Department at CPMC and Dr. Joe Gumina, Licensed Clinical Psychologist at the Kalmanovitz Child Development Center at CPMC – provided timely info and ideas for parents and caregivers.

The webinar included these topics:

  • The importance of getting outside with kids, and how to keep it safe and fun
  • Safely riding public transportation and doing carpools
  • Managing anxiety with very young children, older kids, and teens
  • Managing stress for parents and caretakers
  • Simple ways to create new experiences and things to look forward to
  • How to start preparing kids for transitioning back to school
  • The role of equitable access to parks, programs, and resources

Learn more about Dr. Tamariz and Dr. Gumina’s advice on how to stay positive and feel empowered, plus strengthen relationships and learning. Check out the video and get outside!

Many thanks to our incredible speakers:

A special thanks to Sutter Health for connecting us with these fantastic experts who took the time out of their day to share such valuable information with attendees.

This webinar was presented by SF Safe Routes to School Partnership with Walk SF. Together, we are working to help youth and families safely get to school and beyond. Do you have ideas or questions about what your commute to school in San Francisco may look like this coming fall? Please contact our Families and Schools Coordinators, Sam Kwan ( or Vernon Haney (